Sunday, 16 November 2014

This is how much I love Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell

Please prepare yourself for an explosion of words and feelings. Because I'm not sure if I can put into words how much I love this book.
But I think the fact that I read it in three days says a lot. As soon as I started reading this book I just couldn't put it down
There's a quote on the cover of the book from John Green that says "Reminded me not just what it's like to be young and in love, but what it's like to be young and in love with a book"
And I agree with this statement 100%! I am a huge John Green fan and this is one of the reasons I read Eleanor and Park. As well as the fact that it's set in the 80s which I love.

The story starts with Eleanor moving back home after being away for a year. She meets Park on the school bus when there's nowhere else for her to sit, so she sits next to him. At first they don't talk and for a while he ignores her, until he notices that she's sneakily reading his comic books that he reads on the bus. One afternoon she gets off the bus but they haven't finished reading a comic so he gives it to her. And that's where it all begins! Over the course of a school year, they share comics, mixtapes and their hearts. That sounds so cheesey but I couldn't think of how else to put it! Because that's what happens! But it's not cheesey at all, it's so well written!

It's full of references to comic books, films and awesome music! The "soundtrack" of this book is amazing. You'll find yourself up at 2am reading, listening to The Smiths and wishing you could give Rainbow Rowell a hug for creating such a wonderful story with such magical characters.
You'll experience every emotion reading this book. It's got everything and it's beautiful.
I feel a bit like Peter Pan with my choice of reading material, the little boy who didn't want to grow up, like I'm refusing to grow up myself. Even though I'm 21, I'm still reading books about being 16 and falling in love for the first time. Not that I'm complaining, I love a coming of age story! And I don't ever want to stop reading books about teenage life and falling in love.

AND another thing, the cover of the book is the same colour as my other favourite book, The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. Coincidence? I think not!
If you like The Perks of Being a Wallflower or anything by John Green then I think you'll love this.

(All the artwork in this post I found on Pinterest, they are by a few different artists. Here's links to them on their tumblrs. paperpie, siminiblocker and oh-clock)

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